Personal Loans
Do more with a Personal Loan from Northeast Family FCU.
Do more, save money and leave more time for the important things.
No Application Fee!
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Great Rates!
Personal Loan Rate as low as 8.50% APR*
* Maximum Personal Loan limit will be based on credit history, up to a maximum of $20,000. Quoted rate is based on a 2 year term all discounts included. Other collateral may be used as security for amounts above the personal limit. Overdraft protection and Credit Card limits are included in the loan limit. Rates subject to change without notice. The monthly payment per $1,000 borrowed at 8.50% for 2 years is $45.47.
Automatic payment transfer (discount .25%)
Share draft account or credit card (discount .25%)
Maximum discount .50%
If you're looking for a longer term, we offer 9.75% APR** for 5 years.
** Maximum Personal Loan limit will be based on credit history, up to a maximum of $20,000. Quoted rate is based on a 5 year term all discounts included. Other collateral may be used as security for amounts above the personal limit. Overdraft protection and Credit Card limits are included in the loan limit. Rates subject to change without notice. The monthly payment per $1,000 borrowed at 9.75% for 5 years is $21.14.
Automatic payment transfer (discount .25%)
Share draft account or Credit Card card (discount .25%)
Maximum discount .50%
Click here to apply online, in English.
Click here to print an application in English.
Click here to print an application in Spanish.
Click here to view our other rates.
Or call us in Manchester at 860-646-8870 or N. Windham at 860-423-1601.