Credit Cards


This page contains third party links to an alternate web site not operated by the credit union. The credit union is not responsible for the content and does not represent either the third party or the member if the two enter into a transaction. Privacy and security policies may differ from those practiced by the credit union.


What are credit cards?

Credit cards are lines of credit where a member can borrow money for expenses and pay back the money at a later date. Credit cards help you manage your finances.


¿Qué es una tarjeta de crédito?

Las tarjetas de crédito son líneas de crédito en la cual un miembro puede utilizar fondos y pagarlos posteriormente. Las tarjetas de crédito son diseñadas para darte una ventaja mientras manejas tus finanzas, y no para detrimento.


What types of credit cards do we offer?

We offer 3 types of credit cards; Mastercard Gold, Mastercard Classic, Mastercard Secured.


Mastercard Gold Credit Card


Use for purchases, balance transfers and cash advances.  There is a 25-day grace period on purchases. The minimum credit line for this card is $2,000.

Gold Credit Card Opening Disclosure


Northeast Family Auto Rental Coverage (Only available for Gold Credit Card Holders)

Northeast Family Auto Rental Description of Coverage


Mastercard Classic Credit Card


Use for purchases, balance transfers and cash advances. There is 25-day grace period on purchases

Classic Credit Card Opening Disclosure

Mastercard Secured Credit Card


Use for purchases, balance transfers and cash advances. There is 25-day grace period on purchases.

Use to build, rebuild, or establish credit.

Secured Credit Card Opening Disclosure


Mastercard Card Information & Disclosures

Click here to apply online, in English.

Click here to print an application in English.

Click here to print an application in Spanish.



By accessing certain links within our PDF’s, you will be leaving Northeast Family Federal Credit Union's website and entering a website hosted by another party. Please be advised that you will no longer be subject to, or under the protection of, the privacy and security policies of Northeast Family Federal Credit Union's website. We encourage you to read and evaluate the privacy and security policies of the site you are entering, which may be different than those of Northeast Family Federal Credit Union.


Click here to view the Consumer Credit Card Agreement and Disclosure.


Click here to view the Credit Card Account Opening Disclosure.

Lost or Stolen Cards


Please report Lost or Stolen cards immediately to 866-609-0681. (727-299-2499 can call collect.)



PSCU Contact List

Phone Number

Member Service Phone Number

Call CU 860-646-8870 or 866-609-0681

Lost/Stolen Phone Number 

866-609-0681 (727-299-2499 can call collect)

Fraud Inquiries 

[email protected]

Dispute Inquiries

[email protected]

PSCU Customer Dispute Address

Customer Service

POB 31112

Tampa, FL 33631-3112

Card Activation Number 


Cardholder PIN Now Phone Number 


Lox Box Address (Send payments to) 


POB 37603

Philadelphia, PA 19101-0603

Overnight Lock Box Payment Address 


560 Carillon Parkway

St.Petersburg, FL 33716



How We Will Calculate Your Balance: We use a method called "average daily balance" (including new purchases). *An explanation of this method is provided in your account agreement. Billing Rights: Information on your rights to dispute transactions and how to exercise those rights is provided in your account agreement.

Mobile App

Download our NEW credit card mobile app for easy access and convenience!

 QR Code App Store        QR Code Google Play Store




Mobile App Privacy Policy

Click here to view our Mobile App Privacy Policy

  • Equal Housing Lender NCUA
  • Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government. National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. government agency